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Middle School Basketball Returned this Semester

Submitted by Keith Kranker, parent

For the first time in a number of years, Silverton middle school students have formed a basketball team this fall. The school is offering a hybrid program where middle school boys join with Ouray’s basketball team for games and once a week for practice, and then all remaining practices occur in Silverton.

Play began with informal open gym times in late August, regular practices ramped up starting October 2, and the first game occurred last Tuesday in a home game against Dove Creek.

The season will continue for two months and include five home games in Ouray, four away games, and the potential end the season in the championship game on December 2. You can find the full game schedule at

Silverton is represented by seven boys: Elliot Barszcz, Jonah Kranker, Jordan Sesma, Liam Joyce, Phen Mead, Richard Lowrance, and Sebas Armendariaz. Several additional students participate in the local practices. School staff member Kevin deKay and parent Keith Kranker are coaching the Silverton team.

The Ouray team and coaches have been very welcoming to our players. The players have been spending time building core basketball skills, learning to play together, and having fun.

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